Rs 25000 Prize Bond List, Draw & Schedule

Rs 25000 Prize bond is the 2nd biggest prize bond of Pakistan and the aim of having prize bonds is totally for investment purposes. 

These prize bonds are issued by the Pakistani Government to the state bank and the local people buy it from them. 

Instead of providing interest, the reward of the prize bond is a cash prize that with vary on the prize you’ve won. You can get your cash prize by following the procedure guided by the government of Pakistan.

Rs 25000 Prize bond is conducted only 1 time in every 3 months. The Government reward 3 prizes of this prize bond. The person who wins the first prize of 25000 Rs Prize Bond is rewarded with 50 million Rs. 

The 2nd prize of prize bond is won by 3 lucky winners and they’re rewarded with a cash prize of Rs 15 million. The third prize is won by many lucky winners and they’re rewarded with the cash prize of RS 312000. 

You must keep one thing in mind that the prize you’ll win is excluded of tax. Around 30% tax will be deducted if you’re a non-tax filer and around 15% of the total prize will be deducted if you’re a tax filer.

If you want to be updated with Rs 25000 Prize bond List draw, then you must follow our page for results and schedule of 25000 Rs Prize bond. We update results immediately after the Government of Pakistan announces it.

Rs 25000 Prize Bond Draw List & Schedule

Draw #BondDateCity